5 November 2013… At Sam’s 5 month check-up (previous check-up was at 4 months), she weighed 6.8kg (350g increase and in the 45th percentile), she was 64.5cm tall (2.5cm increase and in the 59th percentile), and her head circumference was 43.5cm (1cm increase in in the 94th percentile). She can sit unassisted for around 30 seconds, she can roll completely over in either direction, and she can sing. She is trying to sit up unassisted and still trying to crawl. Once I put her in her cot, she seems to be able to crawl quite easily, as I frequently find her stuck up against the bars and in the corner. Maybe she’s like one of those weeping angels on Doctor Who and can only crawl when no one’s watching.
She’s now tall enough to use the Jumperoo without padding underneath, and she’s really getting into the swing of jumping in it and practising her running. She also likes to examine its decorations in great detail.
She now eats solids for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She eats pear, apple, peach, mango, carrot, sweet potato, potato, swede, beans, and zucchini as well as baby rice.
11 November 2013… Sam is blowing copious amounts of raspberries. She has also figured out how to roll to where she wants to get to. She is also happy to sleep for 11-12 hours overnight, as long as she doesn’t get cold.
12 November 2013… Sam just sat on her own in front of the TV watching the Wiggles for a good minute. I’m a very proud Mumma!
24 November 2013… Sam has been improving her skills. She can sit for a good period of time on her own, and she has figured out how to squirm her way around the place. Between rolling and commando crawling, she can really get places. She seems to always end up at my feet.
Her six month check-up is tomorrow, and she feels so heavy! If she hasn’t doubled her birth weight, she must be rather close.
She seems to like to spend a portion of her day in the Jumperoo, and if we get to the end of the day and she hasn’t been in it, she spends the rest of her awake time jumping on our laps.
We appear to be getting our first tooth. One of the outside incisors seems to be trying to make an appearance, and if this is true, then she is cross-cutting teeth in true Laing style.
29 November 2013… Sam was supposed to have her six month check-up on Monday, but unfortunately the nurse was triple booked. We did get to put her on the scales though, and I am proud to announce that my bubba has doubled her birth weight and weighed in at 7.25kg.
Since Wednesday, Sam has been seriously practising her commando crawling, and now she can actually move with some pretty good pace, especially if she really wants to get somewhere.