Friday 8 August 2014

Samantha’s 14 Month Update

Sam has graduated to size 1 pants, and she wears size 2 shirts (although Aldi seems to be a size smaller in everything but pyjamas, so she’s in size 2 Aldi pants and size 3 Aldi shirts). She now weighs about 11kg.

Sam is starting to run, although at this stage it’s more of a rapid swinging of the legs outwards (I’m guessing this is normal). She has pretty much mastered walking up and downhill, and has started to tackle stairs with gusto. She has even figured out that sometimes she has to turn around and go down backwards. She has also started to figure out how to ride a tricycle that she has to push along with her feet.

Sam now says “nanan”, and understands what “nono” means. She has also started figuring out how to hiss, so I’m starting to try and teach her to say “Sammy”, and also her “big brother’s” name, Simmy (short for Simeon). She says “zeezeezee” when she’s particularly happy.

Sam has started laughing a lot and finding reasons to laugh, particularly at me. She likes to “A frame” and look back between her legs, and thinks it’s hilarious if I copy and look back at her. She’s also developing ticklish spots, and loves it if I run or jump or anything of that nature (either towards her, away from her, or while carrying her).

Sam has also developed an aptitude for getting into the pantry, pulling down a box and destroying said box in an attempt to access the food located inside. I’ve had to clean up quite a few messes as a result.


Left: Digestive 1st - Right: Jatz


Left: Corn Flakes - Right: Wasn’t me, Mum!

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