Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Samantha – 3 months old already

Sam is sleeping 8.5 hours at night, from 10:30pm to 7:00am. I love my sleep, and I love that I am able to get a full night’s sleep in one chunk, and at the proper time. I also love walking into the nursery to be greeted by Sam’s adorable smile and excited wiggle as she waits for me to take her into my bed for her morning feed.

Sam weighs 6.1kg and is 60.5cm long. She has put on 2.5kg and grown 10.5cm since birth. She is rapidly growing out of 000 clothing, and I am enjoying buying some 00 clothing, which I also needed to do because the season has changed rapidly here, and I didn’t own much in the way of summer clothing for my little girl.

Sam struggles with gas, mostly farts, and at times I have needed to treat it with gripe water (the non-alcoholic variety). It appears to be a whole heap of oils that have pain relieving properties, and seems to work reasonably well and quickly.

We took Sam to church for the first time when she was 9 weeks old, and we have continued to do so every week since. She behaves fairly well, and if she gets overwhelmed then she just goes to sleep.

Sam is rather ticklish, although she only shows it at this stage by grinning and wiggling, not giggling.

She is quite happy to sit down and play with toys or pram links for about an hour every day. It is really interesting to watch her learning about whatever she’s playing with, even if it’s just her hands. She spends hours watching their movements and linking her fingers together and examining them. She watches me put sanitiser on my hands, and I expect one of these days she will start copying me.

Sam found her thumb this month, and her sleeping and self settling has improved dramatically. She never really took to a dummy – it was a device to be spat out and cried over – but now that she has found her thumb, there is no need for one.

Sam prefers to be carried the majority of the time so that she is facing the world. She wants to see everything and take it all in. She has discovered television, computer and mobile phone screens, and she’s fascinated by them. She has discovered that there’s a little girl in the mirror as well.

Sam practices her chuckling most mornings, although the giggles are at random things at the moment. The first time I heard her giggle, I was trying to put her back to sleep in her pram. The hood was down, and I heard this chuckle from within the pram. Needless to say, all attempts at getting her to sleep were abandoned after that.

Sam has rolled over…once. She rolled from her back to her tummy while she was on our bed. She had been feeding in the middle of the bed, and when I hopped she rolled into the divot where I had been lying. She then spent five minutes wiggling around trying to figure out how to get her arm out from under her body.



  1. Cute! Willem had the same sleep pattern from 3 weeks old - 10:30pm till 7am, feed, then back down till 9am. Sadly, he abandoned this about 6 weeks ago and has not regained it! How I miss it. *sigh*

    1. Oh, that's sad. Hopefully he'll pick it back up again. Is he learning a new skill? I've heard that they mentally practice new skills (rolling, crawling, walking) until they get them perfect, and that's how you get sleep regression because they can't shut their brains off.
